Mr. Olmert plans to speak before Congress in order
to ask for approximately $10,000,000,000 in loan
guarantees to implement his plans to force Jews
off their lands in Judea and Samaria. Another
deportation/ethnic cleansing scheme?
Considering the current climate in the Holy-land
of Israel,we are again asking for your help.
Ehud Olmert will be a guest in Washington, D.C.,
on May 21st through May 23rd.
It is important to make Mr. Olmert aware that we
do noT accept his parceling away of any Israeli
land to the Pan-Arab/Palestinians. After the
Gaza/Gush Katif fiasco, there can be no more
pullouts. There can be no more land grabs by
the Islamists who wish to “Wipe out the infidels
to the last.”
The Rally will
take place at
the United States Capitol, Taft Park. Twelve O'Clock
Noon on May 23rd, 2006.
ILLINOIS 60156 Donate
B'nai Elim
B’nai Elim is an activist organization dedicated to the
protection and defense of the Jewish people. To that
end, there will be no sanctuary for those who threaten
or attack Jewish people, Jewish Institutions, or Jewish
interests. Never Again!
B'nai Elim Robert Turk Deputy Chairman Phone: (860) 738-8872 |
Ben Pesach Speech Interrupted
ReplyDeleteAt Washington Rally
Rabbi Meir Kahane's magnificent legacy lives on through JTF - not through opportunistic imposters
Once a heroic and principled organization which brought about the liberation of over 1 million Jews from Soviet Russia - an exodus on a par with the Biblical one - the JDL is today a pathetic joke and fraud which supports both anti-American and anti-Israel causes
On May 23, 2006, Israeli Bolshevik dictator Ehud Olmert addressed the United States Congress and met with President Bush. Olmert came to Washington to beg for support for his evil and suicidal plan to create an independent Hamas-PLO Muslim terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
The same day, a number of Christians and Jews decided to organize a protest rally in Taft Park near the White House.
On May 23, 2006, Ehud Olmert came to Washington begging for the creation of an independent Hamas-PLO terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel
The organizers invited Jewish Task Force National Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach to address the rally, which is logical since JTF is the only U.S. organization that supports the Hilltop Youth, who are the backbone of the anti-surrender movement in Judea and Samaria.
To understand what happened at the rally, we first have to understand what happened to the once great organization known as the Jewish Defense League (JDL).
The JDL was created by the greatest Jewish leader in modern history, HaRav (The Rabbi) Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha (may the memory of this saint be immortalized).
Rabbi Meir Kahane, the greatest Jewish leader in modern history - His assassination in 1990 was Al Qaeda's first Islamic terrorist attack
Rabbi Kahane’s words are just as true today as they were decades ago - The Arabs of Israel must be removed from the Jewish homeland, he said, lest they become a deadly power controlled by Muslim terrorist leaders - like the newly elected Hamas government - dedicated to bringing about a new Holocaust
In 1969, JDL initiated a campaign to liberate the 2 million Jews who were being held hostage in the Soviet Union. The vast majority of Soviet Jews wanted to emigrate, but the Kremlin Nazi dictators would not let them leave the country.
In 1971, at the age of 14, Chaim Ben Pesach joined the JDL and immediately became involved in the Soviet Jewry campaign.
Eventually, Rabbi Kahane appointed Ben Pesach as National Chairman of the JDL.
In 1986, Chaim Ben Pesach and other JDL members tear-gassed the Soviet Moiseyev ballet at Lincoln Center in New York City - The incident, which made headlines around the world, triggered a cascading series of events which eventually allowed over 1 million Jews to escape the Soviet gulag for the Land of Israel, where their political and demographic presence has been instrumental in preserving the Jewish homeland from its traitorous left-wing Jewish leaders and its ferocious Arab Muslim enemies
JTF is sometimes confused with the so-called JDL of today, but there is a world of difference between us and them - After Irv Rubin, the leader of the so-called JDL, was charged with plotting against Arab Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and a Saudi-funded California mosque, Queens Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) joined other Congressional Jews (among them a pre-gastric bypass surgery Gerald Nadler of Manhattan) in expressing their solidarity with the Jew-hating Issa. During the press conference, Ackerman mentioned JTF without naming us, referring to our group as "wackos" who had frequently insulted him on our television programs. As you view the brief exchange - click HERE or on the image of Ackerman to access it - keep in mind that the Queens Congressman once danced with glee on ABC News after the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat signed an autograph for him, and that he once hid under the table of a Chinatown restaurant stuffing his face with pork chops while an armed robbery was in progress at the restaurant's cash register, an incident later immortalized in an episode of Law & Order.)
Rabbi Kahane and Ben Pesach launched an historic and miraculous campaign that led to over 1 million Russian Jews immigrating to the State of Israel.
The JDL bombed Soviet diplomatic targets in New York and Washington. As a result of the bombings, the long ignored issue of Soviet Jewry was suddenly the number one news story on television and radio, and the headline story on the front pages of newspapers throughout the world.
The climax of the Soviet Jewry struggle came on September 2, 1986 when the Soviet Moiseyev ballet concert at Lincoln Center in New York City was teargassed by Ben Pesach and the JDL.
Over 50 Soviet diplomats and performers who attended the concert were overcome by the teargas and had to be hospitalized overnight.
The Soviet ambassador to the United Nations in New York and the Soviet ambassador to the United States in Washington were both among the over 50 Soviets who were temporarily injured and who had to be hospitalized after inhaling the teargas.
Irv Rubin dressed himself in the colors of a patriot while supporting left-wing causes which even today threaten to destroy both America and Israel
This naturally became a huge international incident that severely damaged Soviet-American relations. The Soviets realized that if they continued to hold Russian Jews hostage, it would seriously jeopardize their relations with the United States.
The Lincoln Center teargas attack was the key historic turning point that forced the Soviets to free Russian Jews. Shortly after the attack, the Soviets announced that for the first time since the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, all Jews would be allowed to leave.
And indeed, hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews left for Israel in the most momentous and spectacular liberation since the exodus of Jews from ancient Egypt.
The JDL focuses exclusively on lunatic fringe groups like the Nazis and KKK while ignoring the tens of millions of American blacks, Mexicans and Muslims who support politicians and organizations openly calling for a holocaust against American Jews - Meanwhile, the JDL's counterproductive support of "civil rights" for blacks and other "minorities," and its comparison of white Southerners to Nazis, alienates tens of millions of American Christians who should be natural allies of both Israel and the Jewish people. (In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, at an anti-Nazi march meant to inspire the admiration of his wealthy Jewish backers in Beverly Hills, Irv Rubin and the JDL burned the Confederate flag and were joined by allies who informed Idaho Christian onlookers that "Jesus was a black man.")
But Chaim Ben Pesach, who led the campaign, was eventually indicted and convicted of being responsible for the bombings of Soviet targets and for the teargas attack at Lincoln Center. Ben Pesach served five and a half years in federal prison, and then was on probation or house arrest or other forms of supervision for an additional 12 years.
In 1990, Rabbi Kahane was murdered by the same Al Qaeda Muslim Nazi terrorists who later bombed the World Trade Center the first time in 1993.
After Rabbi Kahane's murder, while Ben Pesach was still in prison, evil traitors took over the JDL.
Rabbi Kahane and Ben Pesach made the name "JDL" world-famous. Many Jews - and even more Gentiles - correctly associated the JDL with leading a heroic, noble and historic struggle to redeem the Jewish people.
The name "JDL" was now worth both money and fame.
In December 2001, Irv Rubin tried to "ride the wave" of September 11th by plotting to blow up the King Fahad mosque in Los Angeles - Funded by the Saudi government, the mosque would later boast the attendance of Sgt. Hasan K. Akbar, 32 (inset, r.), the black American soldier who was inspired by Islam’s openly venomous doctrine to attack his white Christian comrades with a grenade, murdering two of them and wounding 15. (Left-wing, anti-American Arab Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) (inset, l.) was also a target of the JDL plotters, according to federal prosecutors. The seal of the King Fahad mosque proclaims that the bloodthirsty religion of Islam - which has slaughtered scores of millions of "infidel" non-Muslims in jihads of terror over the centuries - was sent as a "mercy for all the worlds.")
The JDL was taken over by evil opportunists who never played any role in making the JDL famous, and who never did anything for the Jewish people in any area.
The traitor Irv Rubin took over the JDL in Los Angeles. Among his numerous acts of treason:
* Rubin condemned the JDL bombings and teargassings on behalf of Soviet Jewry, calling them "Jewish terrorism." On national television, Rubin condemned Ben Pesach and the JDL during the height of the JDL campaign, thereby undermining the effort to save the lives of Russian Jews.
* Rubin told the Village Voice that he "would not sit shiva if Rabbi Kahane dropped dead." Which means that he would not mourn Rabbi Kahane's death. Rubin condemned Rabbi Kahane as a "racist" and a "terrorist."
* On the Merv Griffin Show, before a television audience of 30 million viewers, Rubin said that American hero Jonathan Pollard deserved the death penalty. Rubin's vicious remarks seriously undermined the campaign to free Pollard. When even a JDL leader says that Pollard should be killed, it greatly strengthens the arguments of anti-Semites who demand that Pollard should never be freed.
The late Irv Rubin was an evil man who never did anything to make the JDL famous, and who never did anything for the Jewish people - Rubin condemned Rabbi Kahane as a "racist" and "terrorist," condemned JDL bombings on behalf of Soviet Jewry as "Jewish terrorism," and called on national television for American hero Jonathan Pollard to receive the death penalty
Irv Rubin’s wife Shelley continues to play the same “schtick” as her late husband, supporting causes - like “civil rights” and Southern white-bashing - which invariably harm the Jewish people, but which also make her the darling of rich, left-wing, self-hating Jews like those of Beverly Hills and Manhattan's Upper West Side - Shelley Rubin warned Jews on the web site of the so-called JDL that because Israeli Bolshevik dictator Ariel Sharon was "democratically elected," they should not oppose his evil anti-Semitic expulsion and surrender of sacred Jewish land in the Gaza District and northern Samaria
Rubin's "philosophy" was simple: do whatever is popular to bring in the most money from the self-hating Jews of Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
After September 11, 2001, Rubin felt that a violent attack on Arabs in America would be popular. So he was arrested for conspiring to carry out such an attack.
While in jail awaiting trial, Rubin committed suicide. He lived a highly pampered life before his arrest, and he could not bear the thought of spending years behind bars. So he killed himself.
Rubin's successors in the JDL were just as evil as he was. Indeed, they fully supported him when he was the leader, and after he committed suicide, they intended to continue his treasonous actions.
Irv Rubin and co-conspirator Earl Krugel at a pre-trial hearing in Los Angeles - A treacherous informer who ratted on his fellow Jews in the Alex Odeh assassination investigation, Krugel received a 20-year prison sentence; after only three days in a federal penitentiary, he was murdered by a fellow inmate. (Odeh, an Arab Muslim living in California, was killed by a bomb after becoming an outspoken apologist for Arab Muslim terrorism in Israel.)
It was these evil successors who interrupted Chaim Ben Pesach's speech at the Washington rally. However, their traitorous behavior backfired and good things came out of the rally despite their evil intentions.
"Good Jews," according to the so-called JDL - Among the Jewish Image Award winners on the JDL web site - wealthy potential contributors to the JDL, honored for what it calls their "Jewishness" and contributions - are foul-mouthed radio shock jock Howard Stern (who has been in therapy for over twenty years and who started his career with jokes about the gas chambers and ovens of the Holocast) and grotesque (but wealthy) "feminist" comedienne Roseanne Barr. (Shown admiring a photograph of himself dressed in drag on the cover of his autobiography, Stern is known for his rendition of "F**tman," a scatological super hero, and for drooling, like the repressed adolescent that he is, over the artificially inflated breasts of the "adult film stars" who are his frequent talk show guests; Barr is infamous for an obscene 1990 rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at a baseball game, a vulgar performance which even the elder President Bush called disgraceful. Barr sarcastically "apologized" for the desecration of her nation's anthem and flag by saying, "I was too hip for the room.")
To be continued....
Last week, we reviewed the glorious history of the Jewish Defense League when it was run by HaRav (The Rabbi) Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha (may the memory of this saint be immortalized) and Chaim Ben Pesach. We also explained that after Rabbi Kahane was assassinated by Al Qaeda Muslim Nazi terrorists, and while Ben Pesach was in prison, evil opportunists took over the once great JDL. (To read last week's article, Ben Pesach Speech Interrupted At Washington Rally (Part 1), click HERE.)
ReplyDeleteJewish American hero Jonathan Pollard's espionage prevented Saddam Hussein from developing a Muslim terrorist nuclear weapon - But according to the late Irv Rubin (r.), and to other Jewish traitors who call themselves JDL members, the imprisoned Pollard deserves to be given the death penalty for his heroic actions. (Rubin appeared on national television shortly after September 11th wearing an American flag tie; a few months later, he was arrested for plotting to blow up a Los Angeles mosque.)
After Irv Rubin committed suicide in prison, his wife Shelley took over the JDL.
Shelley Rubin has continued the treasonous policies of her despicable husband.
The imposters who call themselves JDL are opportunists eager to cash in on the JDL's magnificent legacy - After Irv Rubin's death, a legal battle broke out among his cohorts for the "intellectual property" rights to the JDL's fist-and-star logo, which is a cash cow for anybody who owns it. (Notice that the B'nai Elim logo, a wreathed (victorious) fist comparable to Israel's seal (a wreathed menorah, in memory of heroic victories both ancient and modern) bears only a passing resemblance to the coveted fist-and-star, which is now the lucrative intellectual property of Shelley Rubin. Ironically, both the JDL logo and the phrase "Never again!" - also co-opted by Shelley Rubin - were created by the great Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose principles have been betrayed by the very people who pretend to represent him.)
For example, Irv Rubin supported the insane Israeli retreat from the entire Sinai and other Israeli surrenders. He had the chutzpah (gall) to support these retreats from the G-d-given Land of Israel in the name of the JDL.
Following in her husband's evil footsteps, Shelley Rubin publicly supported Israeli Bolshevik dictator Arik Sharon's monstrous decision to expel 10,000 Jews from their homes in the Gaza District and northern Samaria last summer.
Sharon expelled the Jews in order to hand over these sacred Jewish lands to the Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist mass murderers. Sharon said that his goal was to create an independent Hamas-PLO Muslim Nazi terrorist state in the heartland of Biblical Israel.
Shelley Rubin, in the name of the JDL, warned that Jews must support Sharon.
In a statement posted on the JDL web site on February 16, 2005, Shelley Rubin writes:
"....the Jewish Defense League will never involve itself in the internal politics of the Jewish state...."
Translation: JDL will never oppose any decision of the Israeli Bolshevik regime even if the decision constitutes national suicide for the Jewish people.
"....But while we may have philosophical differences with the Israeli government regarding the status of Jewish lands that were liberated in 1967, we recognize that only Israel's citizenry has
the authority to terminate the plan through the democratic process...."
A heroic Jew wounded during the February 1, 2006 battle for Amona - Self-hating Jews like Irv and Shelley Rubin, who cashed in on the fame of the JDL, have not only not supported resistance to Israeli suicide, they have done everything in their power to undermine it
Translation: Israeli citizens have the right to "terminate" Israel's control over the G-d-given Jewish lands that were liberated in the 1967 Six Day War.
In fact, Torah Judaism, which Irv and Shelley Rubin never believed in, makes it clear that no one, including "Israeli citizenry," has the right to surrender one inch of the Land of Israel, which belongs to the Jewish people for all generations. If this generation of Jews decides to retreat, it is an unforgivable betrayal of all Jews in both past and future generations.
Just because the leaders of Israel have been "democratically elected" does not mean that we must allow them to lead us down the path to ruin - Far left-wing Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who wants to destroy Judea and Samaria in favor of a Hamas-PLO Arab Muslim terrorist state, chose as his minister of "defense" the equally far-left wing Amir Peretz, a deliberate Stalin lookalike who shares Olmert's fervent desire to unilaterally surrender the sacred Jewish heartland
Furthermore, the Land of Israel belongs to the entire Jewish people throughout the world, not just "Israeli citizenry." One-fifth of "Israeli citizenry" are Arab Muslim Nazis who are committed to the destruction of the Jewish people. Under the "democratic process" that Shelley Rubin and the new "JDL" endorse, Arab Muslim Nazis who are Israeli citizens have the right to demand that little Israel make suicidal retreats, but Jews throughout the world who are not Israeli citizens have no right to demand that Israel not commit suicide.
Shelley the ugly traitor then continues to write in the name of the JDL:
"....We are sickened to have heard reports that there are individuals within Jewish circles who will go to any length to prevent Ariel Sharon's plans from coming to fruition.... Ariel Sharon remains the greatest Israeli general of modern times.... Regardless of the merits of Sharon's decisions on the matter of disengagement, he is the democratically elected prime minister...."
Ehud Olmert and his foreign minister Tzipi Livni are funding the Hamas Arab Muslim terrorists in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District - Olmert and Livni claim that aiding Islamic terrorists is necessary for "humanitarian" reasons, an argument which the U.S. Congress rejected when it voted overwhelmingly to cut off all funds to Hamas, listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist entity
Translation: Because Sharon is "democratically elected," we are not allowed to oppose the expulsion of thousands of Jewish families from their homes, the surrender of G-d-given Jewish land to Arab Muslim Nazi mass murderers, the creation of an independent Hamas-PLO terrorist state in the Biblical heartland of Israel, and an agenda of insane retreats until tiny Israel returns to suicidal borders that are only 6 to 10 miles wide.
Self-hating Jews like Irv and Shelley Rubin do not care about the fact that "democracy" is not a Jewish concept, and that even when the majority decide to do something immoral or evil, the Torah obligates us to oppose the decision. One of the Torah commandments is: "You shall not follow a multitude to do evil." (Exodus 23:2)
The Arabs of Israel could not possibly make their Jew-hatred more apparent - To which Israel's self-hating Jewish leaders have responded by promising to engage in the abject surrender of Jewish land
But even if we were to adopt the very un-Jewish concept of "democracy," Rubin's argument is absurd.
Are Americans not allowed to oppose George Bush's amnesty for illegal aliens because Bush was "democratically elected"? Do we hold elections once every four years to elect a dictator whom we are not allowed to oppose because he was "democratically elected"?
A row of Arab Muslim terrorists, dressed as Arab Muslim terrorist suicide bombers, attend the February 1, 2006 funeral of a fellow Arab Muslim terrorist - The funeral took place on the same day as the Hilltop Youth's heroic struggle to save to the Jewish community of Amona from destruction by Israel's self-hating rulers. (One Arab Muslim terrorist carried an ax, an ideal weapon for hacking off the limbs of non-Muslim "infidels," as all Muslims are commanded to do in the Koran.)
We are not allowed to fight the dictator's policies until the next election in four years? Until the next election, the dictator has a blank check to do whatever he pleases without opposition?
* Hitler was also "democratically elected."
* The Hamas Muslim Nazi terrorists were "democratically elected" several months ago.
Never again? - Self-hating Jew Shelley Rubin argues in favor of allowing evil Israeli leaders to surrender G-d-given Jewish land to Arab Muslim terrorist mass murderers
* The Muslim Nazi terrorist dictator of Iran was "democratically
elected" last year.
No wonder Irv and Shelley Rubin never got along with Chaim Ben Pesach.
Someone who did get along with Irv Rubin is Bill Maniaci. Maniaci eventually succeeded Rubin as the new leader of the JDL. He also works with Matt Finberg, who disrupted Chaim Ben Pesach's speech in Washington.
One of the B'nai Elim frauds who interrupted Chaim Ben Pesach's Washington speech - Unlike Ben Pesach, B'nai Elim members never did anything worthwhile on behalf of the Jewish people
Next week, in our final article on this subject, we will explore how Maniaci and Feinberg continued the treasonous betrayal of the once glorious JDL. However, despite their evil intentions, good things still came out of Chaim's speech in Washington. Next week, we will reveal why the reaction to Chaim's speech may yet help us in our struggle to save the Land of Israel.
Rabbi Meir Kahane at a 1971 press conference - Rabbi Kahane, the self-sacrificing leader of the true and only JDL, embodied the Biblical ideal of a Jewish "light unto the nations." (He cannot be compared with the imposters who parasitize his legacy.)
To be continued....
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