Children of the Mighty

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Please note: The Blogmaster of this Blog is retired from B’nai Elim and was their former International Chairman and Chief of Intelligence and Security. Prior to forming B’nai Elim, he was a long time member and became the International Chairman of the Jewish Defense League, succeeding Irv Rubin (OBM) to that post. The items posted in this Blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions of B’nai Elim or its members and are the sole responsibility of the Blogmaster, Velvel ben Moshe, aka: Bill Maniaci who is currently the Director of "The Maccabee Group" doing Independent Intelligence Consulting & Analysis.

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UN Doomsday Treaty With Ginny Simone

01 May 2007

The Muslim Conquest of America

The Muslim Conquest of America

The father of Muslim Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, the anti-Western A.Q. Khan - in pursuant to giving nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea, Khan has now given the capability to produce nuclear weapons to his Muslim brother, al-Qaeda leader, bin-Laden. With Iranian support, al-Qaeda has produced 10 Atomic bombs, each capable of destroying any one of the largest Western Cities. In collaboration with the Hispanic gang MS 13, with whom al-Qaeda has signed a mutual assistance pact, al-Qaeda via MS 13 smuggles five nuclear weapons across the open and undefended US-Mexican Border. The Weapons of Mass Destruction are dispersed though out America to mosques and are entrusted to American-Muslims. All of the Muslim terrorists, about to attack America have US citizenship; and have been born in the US.

American Jihad

On Christmas Day, 2010 – As the sun rises on the eastern seaboard in America, Muslim taxi cab drivers set out in their cabs, laden with atomic bombs in their trunks. At 6:00 A.M. E.S.T the Muslim cab drivers, simultaneously explode their nuclear weapons, in New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles. All five cities are leveled to the ground and completely destroyed. Thirty million Americans lie dead in the streets. Another twenty million are suffering from nuclear fallout, with no hospitals or medical care. All electricity, water, power and light, all means of communication are destroyed. The remnants of civilization cease to exist. There is whole scale looting in the devastated cities, by black and Hispanic street gangs. The street gangs pour in from the suburbs and have taken completely over. Law and Order has vanished and is completely non-existent.

The Democratic Party’s Response

President Hillary Clinton immediately responds with strong and decisive action. She contacts bin-Laden in Pakistan and promises Osama, that if he calls off any further attacks, she will divorce Bill and become one of his wives. Hillary tells bin-Laden, “Osama I’ll be your Mama! I’ll wear a burka big bin-Laden baby, just for you!” Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy immediately renounces Christ, and his Catholic faith, and publicly proclaims “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi appears in the rubbles of Congress, fully clothed in a black burka, her face covered by the hijab (looking better than ever.) Nancy introduces the new American pledge to Congress that she has authored overnight. With her hand over her heart, she stands at attention and solemnly faces the new American Muslim flag she has sewn (Nancy is just like Betsy Ross.) Nancy recites, “We pledge allegiance to the crescent and moon, and to Allah and his prophet Mohammed. One nation, under Allah, with death and annihilation for the infidels, the United Muslim States of America.” Congressman John Murtha contacts Arab and Iranian leaders and promises them full US cooperation in the rounding up of Jews for deportation to death camps in Iran. Senator John Kerry, Sen. Baraka Bama, Rep. Charles Rangel, the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and the new Senate majority leader Louis Farrakhan all promise they will assist in the arrest of Jews, and in the complete success of the second Holocaust. Air Force One is dispatched to Pakistan to pick up bin-Laden. Bin-Laden arrives at Washington’s Dulles international airport to wild adulation and the hysterical cheering of thousands, upon thousands of US Muslims. Hillary is hastily married to bin Laden and dawns her new black burka. Chelsea is adopted by bin-Laden. Bill is beheaded by an American-Muslim cleric who shouts out “Allah akhbar” “god is great” as he decapitates the former US president. Before Bill Clinton is executed, he vainly tries to make a deal. Bill offers bin-Laden assistance in procuring other American women for his harem, in exchange for his life. Request denied. Bill gets the sword to the neck. Hilary is heard murmuring “That’s what he gets for Monica Lewinsky.” Bin-Laden is sworn in as the First President of the new United Muslim States of America. First official business of President bin-Laden is to trash the US Constitution. Osama then declares America a Muslim state to be run by the Taliban and governed by Sharia law. Bin Laden next proclaims himself America’s head caliphate. All Christian churches and Jewish synagogues in America are to be either torched and burned to the ground, or turned into mosques. Packs of American-Muslims run wildly in the streets (and similar to what Muslims did in France) they ransack churches and synagogues . Christmas, Hanukah, Rosh Hashanah and Easter are all completely outlawed.

Israel now stands alone in the Middle East. On January 1, 2011, under the umbrella of Air Support from the new United Muslim States of America (U.M.S.A.) Iran, Syria, Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon attack and occupy the Jewish State of Israel. Israel is handed over to the control of the Palestinians. The Star of David flag comes down in Jerusalem to the sound of deliriously rejoicing Arabs who cheer with unbridled fanaticism.

Hilary is happy in the new United Muslim States of America, until she finds out abortion is not allowed in Islamic law. She sulks and gets deeply depressed when she hears this news. Osama cannot get Hilary to smile, no matter what he does. With out abortions taking place, Hilary is just not a real happy camper.

Bin Laden finally succeeds in cheering Hillary up with camel rides on the White House front lawn. Hilary is smitten by bin Laden and she coos and coquettishly teases him, “Osama you’re as soft as a llama.” She is overheard telling girlfriends “I just love to sin - with Bin.”

As Hilary leaves Friday Muslim services in the Washington National Mosque (formerly the National Cathedral) on the arm of bin-Laden, she is asked by reporters if she plans to initiate any new policies. Hilary turns and looks up to the towering bin-Laden for his permission to speak. Bin-Laden smiles, with warmth and love in his eyes at Hilary, and with great command, he silently and gently nods his approval to her.

Hilary blushes with Osama’s approval, and then with school girl excitement shares with the reporters all her new plans. “As one of new First Ladies,” she bubbles to the reporters, “I am going to implement a total overhaul and reform in Education and Health Care in America!” Hillary tells the reporters she wants all of America’s elementary and high school’s curriculum, to completely comply with Muslim Fundamentalism, and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. Then Hillary looks up at bin-Laden and beams with pride, as Hillary announces triumphantly to the crowd, “I am going to introduce sweeping legislation immediately, for a Complete and Comprehensive Health Care Plan -- for all Americans.”

Rock Peters

Cell (917) 517,2749

Email rockpeters@aol.com

Copyrights USA 2006 all rights reserved.

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