by Jim Nutting
According to a report from the ADL, Volksfront has emerged as the most active neo-Nazi group. This anti-Jew club has been around since 1994. Volksfront is mainly located in the Pacific Northwest but maintains membership on-line around the world. Most of the members are probably addicted to methamphetamine and regularly drunk and smoke pot. They declare themselves " the independent voice of the white working class" when it is believed most "meth heads" are unable to keep a job.
The only known leaders of Volksfront are Randal Lee Krager and Richard Arden. It is unknown what connection they have with National Vanguard's Kevin Alfred Strom who was arrested in January of this year for child Porn.
The criminal activities these little-Hitlers get into are gang-jumping minorities, throwing rocks with swastikas on them at Jewish institutions and blindly shooting at things like the Temple Beth Israel in Eugene Oregon.
Most of what they do is endorse hate music and idolize each other's tattoos. They have a members only internet forum which is most likely comprised of underage skinheads, child molesters looking for under aged skinheads, FBI agents looking for child molesters and wanted skinhead gang members, the ADL and the SPLC.
Volksfront maintains within it's gumball club, a department called “Prisoner of War Affairs Department”. They mail hate publications to entertain prisoners arrested for felonies since 1980.
The above individuals are probably getting conjugal visits from the female members of the Volksfront female membership.
On behalf of the B'nai Elim International, I would like to congratulate Volksfront for their very deserved award.
Volksfront, and other organizations that draw as members the lowest form of humankind; losers who bolster their ego with swastika tattoos, uniforms, and the association with other slime. They feed on hatred and attack the defenseless... children, women, schools, synagogues and the elderly. These cretens would never confront someone who is able to stand up to them unless they outnumber their targeted victim 10 to one. Killing them would be too merciful. These dregs of society should be incarcerated at Guantanamo prison in solitary confinement for the rest of their miserable lives for they are terrorists in the true sense of the word. They are allied with the islamo-nazis, al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations who seek the destruction of not only Israel and the Jewish people, but Western Civilization as we know it. We fought to free the World of the nazi scum before and we will be forced to do it once again. Arm yourselves and be prepared to defend yourselves, your families, and your communities. The threat from volksfront and others of their ilk is real and needs to be addressed with extreme prejudice.
ReplyDeleteYou can all have your.. beliefs about VF and other similar groups. That's your right.
ReplyDeleteI also have a right to beliefs. And tons more working class white men and white ladies who's voice goes unhered. Just because their white middle class.
I dont support outright non-deserving violance. But I do support deportation. Making a stand and making good god damn sure our voices are hered.
I believe that jim nutting is closed minded to freedom of speach and expression. Obviously not neutral in anyway. Hey Jim ....your sounding a little rasist yourself. What's wrong you get your ass whooped by a white boy and can't let it
Funny you bring up meth.......we see you made tgis post at 2 am. ....haha...looks like yiur the tweaker. Up all night...pissed off at the white man. So you will come online and bash them. Attempt to get others to share in your hate. ...sounds like you don't have many friends jim. ..with your Need of needing others approval. Your need to be apart of a spreading hate....answer me this jim and ill let you get back to your counsling. ....if your hate for rasist people is as stronge of hate as you believe these rasist people have for minorities who's in the wrong...them or you?. Because in my opnion your getting online and spreading your hate...your put downs..attempting to get other to believe in your just as bad as a rasist. ...if not worse. You can't stop hate with hate you bumb ass.
If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
I support Volksfront.
Oregon city oregon supports volksfront.
Jimmy w.
Oh and one more thing.