(from the Blogmaster)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Your upcoming visit to Israel
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:49:05 +0200
From:Maccabee Arms Ltd.
Organization:Maccabee Arms Ltd. Reno, Nevada, U.S.
To:President George W. Bush
Dear President Bush,
Yesterday Al Aksa Brigades (that's the group that no longer exists because PA security put them out of business) announced that from Samaria they fired a "Bashaar 1" rocket into Israel. There is no evidence of that rocket. But the announced intention is clear.
A spokesman for the group said they intend to continue to manufacture rockets in Judea and Samaria:
"We are obligated to the path of the (armed struggle), the Fatah movement's path. We won't put our guns down and we'll continue resisting the occupation. Our weapons will continue to be steadfastly pointed towards the Zionist enemy."
Isn't it obvious that the "Palestinians" will never negotiate in good faith.- Isn't it also evident that no one can speak for the Palestinians, and if anyone now has legitimacy, it is the terrorist organization "Hamas" that was not only elected by the Palestinians, but who threw the current Prime Minister out of Gaza?
- Prime Minister Abbas belongs to, and controls Fatah who is no less a terrorist group than Hamas. Why are we negotiating with Abbas when he has stated that his designs on Jerusalem are "non-negotiable"?
Please do not force Israel into any agreement that the Israelis themselves do not want, and will not honor. Prime Minister Olmert is another Jimmy Carter. We view him as an incompetent narcissist who does not speak for the majority of the people of Israel. He is only in office because his cronies in the Kenesset refuse to call for elections out of fear of losing their own seats.
It is abundantly clear that the Arabs surrounding Israel are capitalizing on Israel's perceived weaknesses because of Olmert's failure at Annapolis, the United States insistence on uprooting Jewish homes, and forcing Israel to accept a hostile Arab state cutting her in half.
If the United States continues on this two-faced policy, pretending to be Israel's friend and ally and giving arms and assistance to the Palestinians, Israel will not be able to defend herself.
Olmert is a traitor. The Israel Defense Forces will not follow his orders if they endanger Israeli citizens; i.e. giving the Golan to Syria. (why would anyone want to force Israel into this strategic blunder unless they are pushing for her eventual destruction?)
Another point to consider... no matter what the United States or Olmert says, the Jewish people will not allow the partition of Jerusalem. Such a move, if supported by the IDF, will throw the country into civil war. Do you want something as horrendous to be your legacy as President? I hope not!
Please reconsider your position on a Palestinian State and, on the construction in the "Settlements" (actually bona fide Jewish towns), and in uprooting thousands of Jewish citizens from their homes. Look at the aftermath of the "evacuation" of Gush Katif! Why would you want a repetition of making Jewish citizens refugees in their own country because of nothing other than pressure by you and the State Department (or should I say extortion)?
William D. Maniaci Reno, Nevada 89502
Life is stronger than death; Freedom is stronger than slavery; Courage and faith are stronger than fear
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 00:49:13 -0500 (EST)
From: comments@whitehouse.gov
To: MaccabeeArms@Charter.net
On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.Thank you again for taking the time to write.
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