It never ceases to amaze me that so little has been said by you regarding the callous attacks by the palestinians of Gaza against Israeli civilians, schools, hospitals, children, etc., etc. with rockets and mortars day after day.
The death of an Israeli child or student or housewife or the destruction of an Israeli home never makes for news...but let Israel say enough is enough and what do you say? That the Israeli "retaliation" was "disproportionate ".
What do you mean by retaliation? Israel has been absorbing rocket and mortar fire from Gaza into its cities for months upon months without an incursion into Gaza. How long do you think the United States would tolerate San Diego being shelled by Mexico? This action is not is Purely Defensive.
When Israel decides that enough is enough, and attacks Hamas military targets (which they always locate in populated urban areas) then you call the Israeli attacks "disproportionate ". Well you can kiss my Jewish touches you left-wing bleeding heart bastards!
Collateral damage is exactly what Hamas wants and you play right into their hands by portraying Israel as the aggressor. Never mind who has been supplying Hamas and Fatah and Hizbullah with rockets (which they launch from schoolyards and from behind civilian apartment complexes), mines, explosives and arms; never mind that Israel is the only free and democratic country in the Middle-East; never mind that Israel always supports and stands behind the United States; never mind that the same people who are now being attacked in Gaza are of the very same philosophy and mindset as those who attacked the United States on 911, killing thousands of innocent civilians and women and children (and the very same who danced in the streets afterwards); never mind any of that.
What matters to you, is that in your holier-than-thou judgment, Israeli response should be restrained - tempered and humane. Have you ever seen what’s left of an Israeli bus and those people inside after a palestinian (suicide bomber - no such thing) murderer blew up inside that bus...Or, the inside of a crowded restaurant after a palestinian murderer strapped with explosives exploded amongst the tables...Or, the inside of a Israeli classroom after a rocket came crashing through the roof?
How long would you take it and how restrained would be your response against those responsible? You never use the word "Terrorist" in conjunction with "Palestinian". No, you call them "Militants" like some unruly child. Well they are not militants, or unruly children, these so-called palestinians are Murdering Terrorists by every definition of the word.
Israel has tried all that is humanly possible to bring about peace between the palestinians and Israel. They don't want peace! They want Israel's destruction and will settle for nothing less. They are like a cancer that has been eating through the center of the body...What do you do with a cancer? If it will not respond to conventional therapy then you excise it!
There will never be a "Two State Solution", the so called palestinians don't want it, and the rest of the Arabs will never let it happen. Therefore, there should be a One-State-Solution...Israel from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea - and if the Arabs in between don't like it, then let them go back to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - where they originated. If you don't like this Blogmaster's opinion, this is one Jew who doesn't give a damn! Never Again! Blogmaster

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