YNET: IDF Renounces General's Comments
Hanan Greenberg, 02.14.09, 20:20
Remarks made by Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi alluding to Turkish oppression of Kurds, Armenians were rejected by army in statement. The comments were in reaction to Ankara criticism of Israel's Gaza operation. (Read more...)
No, it wasn't very diplomatic. No, it wasn't his role to make such comments. And, yes, he may have hurt his career. But, he's right.
What happened to Jews going out of their way to defend the rights every people treated unfairly but themselves?
Oh, I guess that doesn't apply when upsets the diplomatic balance, when it upsets one of the few Muslim countries which tolerate us,...barely, and throws Europeans into a tizzy of cognitive dissonance.
Did Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrahi think before he spoke? Was this an "Oops, I forgot there were journalists here" faux pas? Did he walk into a trap? Or was this a well-thought out publicity-grabber.
I'll go with Door #1 for now, but you never know.
Look up Gen. Mizrahi on Wikipedia, and you will find that his page is available in three different languages: Hebrew, English, and, of all things, Turkish.
I kid you not. A certain general is no longer flying under the radar.
Cross-posted on Esser Agaroth.

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