The head of the Catholic Church is expected to arrive in Israel shortly. His itinerary includes traveling to his "holy" sites in the Gallil and furthering the desecration of the Temple Mount with his presence. The Israeli Government has already had to convince him to postpone his trip to the Gallil, so that the expected traffic jams and increased security concerns on Lag b'Omer will not be exacerbated. In regard to his visit to the Temple Mount, more than a few questions have been raised. Will he be allowed to pray there, even though Jews are banned from doing so? Must we depend on the Arabs to protest what we Jews should be protesting?
Meanwhile, Jewish "friends" and collaborators (Yes, I wrote "collaborators," albeit some are unwitting collaborators.) are calling upon their Jews to chill out, or rather numb out, to the threats raised by welcoming such an enemy of the Jewish People into Eretz Yisrael.
From "All For The Pope"
Toby Klein Greenwald, 6 Iyyar 5769/April 30, 2009
My credentials: I am an Orthodox Jew and a Zionist who believes that we should welcome people of all nations and religious persuasions to Israel, as long as they do not try to missionize us. I have some dear Christian friends, including one who is a Catholic nurse.
This is not about friendship. It's not even about Christians. It's about Israel and the image we want to present to the world....
Typical "Orthodox" Zionist, who doesn't know halacha. But, it's really not the role of women to know these things anyway. Ellen Horowitz, former Jerusalem City Councilwoman Mina Fenton, and Tomer Devorah are exceptional women. I suggest we pay closer attention to them, as well as to The Key To Redemption, Esav Exposed, and the recently established
They cannot come here. They are ovdei avodah zarah (practicers of forbidden worship).
The "right" has aligned itself with the Christians to counter balance the "left's" Arab/EU support,...and donations.
(How much money does Israel National News get from them? Will A7 have the guts to publish this comment? They didn't mind publishing Ruth Matar's letter bashing Rabbi Sim
We must separate from Yishma'el AND from Esau.
Publicly missionizing or not, they all have one goal. The weapons of the Arabs are their swords; the weapons of the Christians are their tongues.
Who will stand by and listen, even defending their right to speak?
Who will reject their lies, and rip their tongues out?
Cross-posted on Esser Agaroth.

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