Netanyahu: No Preconditions for Peace Negotiations
Avraham Zuroff, 11 Iyyar 5769/May 5, 2009
( Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday night addressed delegates to the pro-Israel AIPAC convention currently taking place in Washington, D.C. Netanyahu related to several main points in his address, which was broadcast by satellite from Israel. Most prominent was his call for negotiations with Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders.
“We are prepared to resume peace negotiations without any delay or any preconditions. The sooner, the better,” he stated. (Read more...)
Happy now? Yes, I'm addressing YOU, all of you so-called, "right-wing," religious Jews, and assorted "settlers," who wanted to strengthen Netanyahu with their vote for the Likud.
Netanyahu has turned out to be nothing more than one of Shimon Peres's puppets.
Would a few extra National Union mandates have helped? Who knows? Probably not.
But they would have sent an important message to the world and to a Netanyahu government, or would have been a strong oposition to a Livni government. And those idiotic Jewish Home Party MK's might have come crawing back, begging for forgiveness (Nah! Probably not).
So, nu? Are you happy now?
Cross-posted on Esser Agaroth.

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