See L.A. and Find Out How to Infiltrate Public Access to Recruit Terrorists!
By Arlene Peck
As Jay Leno says on his late night show, “Folks we’re living in tough times” However, that doesn’t seem to be the case if you’re a member of the press, and a Muslim, wanting to travel to our shores from any one of a dozen countries to learn how to do ‘’creative broadcasting programming.”
As many of you know, I have, for the past twenty years hosted a television show, “Wow it’s Arlene Peck,” which is mostly a celebrity interview show. Recently, the city fathers of Los Angeles, in their infinite wisdom, decided to cancel Public Access. And I, along with others, have been meeting with the L.A. City Council to try to get them to see what a mistake this would be and to have them reconsider their decision.
As a result, I happened to be in the office of the woman who has been working with me on this campaign, and who produces a successful Public Access program, “Disclosure", where she tackles issues and brings them to the attention of the public.
While there, I glanced down on her desk and saw a letter from the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles. Its contents caused me to do a double-take. It was from Kim Ngoc Le who is the Senior Program Officer of the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles, thanking this producer for “taking time out of (her) schedule to host our delegation of broadcasting experts from North Africa and the Near East.” Apparently the nine lucky 'honored guests' were from such countries and television stations as Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel, GAZA, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.
And, according to Ms Ngoc Le, "These distinguished visitors have been nominated by our Department of State to travel to the U.S. to learn from their American counterparts about creative broadcast programming. The IVCLA is pleased to entertain them during their short time in L.A.”
Later in this letter, which I came upon by happenstance, my friend was asked if she could book a room for them to meet with her. “It is difficult for us to find a place. Even though the United States State Department FUNDS their airfare and lodging, there is no provision in the budget for meeting rooms. Hence the IVCLA has been asked to seek out community centers, libraries, and other public institutions willing to donate their meeting space.” So, being a citizen of good standing, I got in the car and we booked these representatives of the State Dept We also found a meeting room at a neighborhood park. After all, how could you refuse a request saying, “We just need a private room for thirteen people (the delegation consists of nine visitors and three interpreters). It would be a shame for them not to be able to meet with you because we cannot find a meeting space."
Well, for sure! Rumor has it that our country is in a depression. But if we have the money to bring over a group of distinguished representatives, from such marvelous countries as Gaza and Saudi Arabia, we can’t be doing so badly. I just hope, in this little junket that Obama and company have arranged, they’re taking them to Disneyland and all of our other fun spots.
For a brief period, I was looking forward to sitting like a fly on the wall at this meeting to see what transpired. However, in my over zealous effort to bring this information to the public, I contacted terrorism expert, Dr. Carole Lieberman and journalist Ari Bussel, so they might join me, utilizing their expertise on terrorism to contribute to the discussion and to assess their motives for learning how to use the Public Access airwaves. It seemed more than likely that any Public Access TV show put on by journalists from terrorist countries would be used to spread propaganda and recruit terrorists! What's worse is that our government is paving - and paying - the way for them to learn these skills! I was then un-invited and never was allowed to attend.
I remember several years ago, going to the local mosque in Mar Vista. They had some visitor’s day or something, again sponsored by our Justice Dept. I remember the panel on the dais was teaching their audience how to know when they had a complaint or they felt they were being ‘profiled’. I thought it obscene that the members of the mosque were being given information on how to use our laws and customs to harm us. However, the topper was when a well-dressed woman stood up and said, “Our children are now grown and going into the universities. Our next job has to be to propel them into three fields: education, politics and finally media.”
Well, folks, it is my opinion, that they accomplished it all. Our universities are hotbeds of Muslim teachings and conflict. How many of you have noticed the names on the articles in your local newspapers praising the Muslim lifestyle? The L.A. Times seems to have a three-page spread every week or two deploring the plight of the poor Palestinians. And, as far as politics, I feel it pretty safe to say they have arrived! From the White House on down. And, finally, as Jay Leno says, "We're going through tough times.” But don’t you feel encouraged?
Personally, I think that we are ignorant and ill-informed to consider it positive and hospitable to teach terrorist nations how to use our system of Public Access as a cheap and easy way to recruit more terrorists. And amazingly, even though our programs are being cut and there are no funds for schools and police, we can always find spare money to play host to these visitors from 'poor' countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arabs Emirates and the rest.

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