Bill Maniaci
First, there is no doubt that this cowardly attack was an act of Jihad by an Infiltrator. Although it would be unprecedented, action should be taken to award all the victims at Ft. Hood the Purple Heart (or Civilian Equivalent) for wounds received in combat, inflicted by an enemy of the United States.
In view of the Muslim Terrorist Attack at Ft. Hood, our Government must rethink its Political Correctness regarding “Racial Profiling” of members of the peaceful Islamic religion.
Major Hasan should be considered an “Enemy Combatant” and treated as a “Spy”. He should face a firing squad.
All other Muslim members of the Armed Forces should face rigid background checks, be subject to regular polygraph examinations, and not be assigned to any Combat Unit or other Mission Critical unit unless their loyalty has been proven beyond any doubt.
These actions are necessary for our national security in view of this enemy terrorist act and past attacks either planned or actually executed by Jihadis against our Military Personnel and our Bases within the United States.

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