With a sincere and humble heart and as a supporter of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004, I write, Sir, relative to the pickle I now see that the tiny little nation of Israel finds itself in with a "two-front war" engulfing them.
Mr. President, as my ole pappy used to say in the Panhandle of our Texas, "About the only good thing which happens when you are surrounded by enemies is that you find out who your friends are."
To put in perspective,
Amidror formerly served as Deputy Chief of IDF Intelligence and the head of its Research and Assessment Department. Therefore, his capabilities for such knowledge would be impeccable.
Further, Amidror stated that
Why, with all due respect, Mr. President? Because of the political arrangements with the international community,
In the Vietnam War, Mr. President, in the early days of that conflict, under the
1. Not drafting College younguns - give them a deferment which, in fact, turned all Universities and Colleges against the
2. At first, for Special Forces boys, of only having a 6 months tour of duty. (Wars are won because soldiers are in it for the duration.)
3. To get credit, he needed to get the News Media over there! By and large, the overwhelming majority of news personnel were against our efforts!
4. And not shooting until you were shot at, and then received permission from your commanders!
Mr. President, American policy is complicit in the HizBallah fighters operating with almost total autonomy in southern
The EU,
Consequently, I read today that the eight Israeli soldiers killed so far is the highest death toll for the Israeli Army in four years. Were we to lose 480 American soldiers in one day in
Comparatively, for the casualties they suffered, those almost 60,000 U.S.
names on the Vietnam War Memorial would amount to 22 million were they the Hmong who died in the
Mr. President, you profess to be a believer in MESSIAH, and you state you read regularly the Holy Bible!
Back in the first book in the Holy Bible, in Genesis 33:20, we read:
And he erected there an altar, and called it Elelohe-Israel.
Mr. President, we Born-Again Christians ought to watch carefully everywhere the patriarchs erected an altar and we ought to learn from the lessons therein.
In this case
The greatest sin of our era is that of ingratitude - the reasons we do not have more blessings is simply that we forget past blessings. Even those who do not believe the Bible to be the WORD OF THE LORD GOD OF
Another Reason, Mr. President, that Israel erected this altar was that he might keep up the worship of GOD in his family, and so consequently, he dedicated this altar to the honor of ELELOHE-ISRAEL, which means "GOD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL", for emphasis.
It means a special honor - to him be all honor and glory and majesty.
Mr. President, in our New Testament,
That means, Mr. President, not only with honor to the great GOD of the universe in general, but to GOD in particular Who had given a particular blessing.
Not only the great first cause of everything, not only as we hear "an all-wise SUPREME BEING that exists in all things and above all things," but in the great GOD Who has condescended to become INCARNATE in the likeness of men - A DIVINE PERSON!
Not, Sir, to the angelic hosts, not to the stars, not to the moon (or the moon god 'allah' whom our common enemy with Israel worship), - they are the creatures, but to the CREATOR - it was this MAN that Jacob met there that night on the banks of the river, who changed his name to Israel.
Mr. President, we Born-Again Christians ought to note carefully that here the Scriptures state clearly, "GOD, THE GOD OF
(as I have a tendency to state) but "the LORD GOD of
Mr. President, HE Whom you profess to worship, THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL, is First, the Covenant-Keeping GOD! And, with all due respect, Sir, America's problem in the Middle East has been, is, and looks also to be in the future, that we line up on the side of (now) $78.00 a barrel oil, instead of the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL Who made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and King David!
Second, the LORD GOD OF
Third, HE is the Prayer-Hearing GOD - that is, the LORD GOD OF
Mr. President, you profess "belief in MESSIAH," and as such, all believers in MESSIAH see here Israel erecting an altar, coming to Calvary, and seeing that greater Son of Jacob born, childhood, manhood, suffering, weeping, pierced, bleeding, dying, buried, risen, ascended, reigning, and, thank the LORD, SIR, RETURNING in the Rapture!
Now, Mr. President, after that Rapture, just as I will give an account for the words of this letter, so too, will my duly elected leader, the President of the United States, for how he looks upon the subject matter therein.
May GOD ALMIGHTY grant you, Sir, the wisdom to line up with the Hebrew people, where the FOUNDING FATHERS of this great nation unequivocally did so.
I am humbly and sincerely, your friend and servant,
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