Note: This is something that we need to
be aware of: B'nai Elim blogmaster.
Jews Don't Believe in Freedom of Speech
Their twisted version of history keeps
creating tyranny and wars
By John Kaminski
July 18, 2006
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast
of Florida and is very ashamed to say he is an American
after all the needless murders that have been committed
in the name of Americans. His Internet essays can been
seen on hundreds of websites around the world, and his
latest collection of them, “Recipe for Extinction” is available
I can make any Jew tell a lie in three seconds. Just ask,
“Tell me about the history of Israel.” You won't hear the
real answer from a Jew.
The real answer is: Israel is a criminal entity subject to
no laws but its own, and it basically has none. It was created
by terrorists who stole the land from its original owners.
Every crime is permissable by a Jew against a non Jew.
That is the core of its teaching in both the Talmud and the Torah.
Non Jews are cattle, the Talmud says. Take a look at the world,
and see how thosecattle are now being slaughtered, especially
in the neighborhood of Israel.
Israeli soldiers specialize in shooting Palestinian children in
the head, you know. Most Jews in America are very proud of that,
though they don't usually let the newspapers they own in America
write about that stuff, except through vicious racism against others,
especially Muslims, but also blacks and whites, of which they are
My local TV station told me local Jews were celebrating and
supporting Israel's slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and its invasion
of Lebanon, where many children were slaughtered by Jewish bombs
while riding in a schoolbus. Such is life in braindead America these
days. Zionized. A mental yarmulke on the heads of everyone.
Remember Rachel Corrie, the young girl crushed by the bulldozer?
Multiply that by a number too large to contemplate and you have an
accurate picture of life in Palestine under the heartless heel of the
Jewish/Zionist/Israeli monster,which kills for no reason and smiles
at the sight of the blood it spills.
This is the most important social question now facing the human species.
What kind of religion is this Judaism?! It is not like the others —
Christians, Muslims. Buddhists and Hindus, who advertise salvation
to anyone who wants it. Judaism is only for the Jews, not for anybody
else. In fact, In Judaism, everybody else is fair game for murder and
robbery with no penalty. Witness the Israeli squadron captain who recently
was acquitted on a minor manslaughter charge after pumping 13 bullets
into the lifeless body of a ten-year-old Palestinian girl.
The greatest scam ever perpetrated on the human race was the notion
of anti-Semitism, where a transparent persecution complex created a
permanent, self-inflicted injury by which the greatest group of crooks in
human history made themselves sacred, and hoodwinked the rest of its
species into believing they were The Chosen. The cash registers have
been ringing every since. And there’s something about spilled blood
these people like.
Five thousand years later, after the magical machinations of Daniel
and his magi friends in Babylon invented money and religion at the
very same time, the two remain inextricably intertwined. The tribe of
Dan, the Danae who populated Greece, the Tuatha de Danaan who
are the fairyfolk of Ireland, spread around the world, carrying their ethics
with them in the mind memes of the Old Testament. Kill for any reason,
and call it holy, as long as it is profitable.
Today our freedom of speech — and our freedom of thought — is
manacled as surely as William Blake recorded the harlot's curse in
long-ago London. "Blights with plagues the marriage hearse."
Only today, all is permissable within the new streamlined, alluring and
utterly soulless American media spectrum, except for one subject.
The Holocaust. The most untouchable of topics. We may not discuss it.
I n many countries — most of Europe, in fact — they'll throw you in jail
and throw away the keys in a pile of trivialities, and you'll never see your
home again. Just ask Ernst Zundel, or any of his other thought comrades
jailed in Germany after being renditioned from elsewhere for simply
reporting the unbiased,empirical facts of World War II.
The unbiased empirical facts are that the Germans didn’t gas anybody
during World War II, that there was no “final solution” planned other than
deportation to Palestine, and that the great shame of Jewish leaders forever
throughout history — and why they were probably banned by God in the
Bible — is that the worldwide Jewish organizations were complicit with
Hitler in the herding of Jews and their deaths were largely caused by the
Allied bombing of 1945, after which typhus and starvation raged. The
founders of Israel wanted those people dead, because they didn’t want
them in Israel. No valid evidence of gas chambers exists. Plenty of people
died; war is like that. AP reported 875,000 Jews total in a 1947 report.
And the religion of the Six Million marches on, demolishing whole societies
in its ugly path.
And here’s another in the endless examples of why Jews don’t believe in
freedom of speech.
As we speak, Professor Robert Faurisson of France faces years in jail for
simply saying “show me evidence of gas chambers” on Iran’s Sahar TV
(my favorite station, as a matter of fact). I have spoken of these matters
on this same show nine times and said far worse than Faurisson. Maybe
I should go to France, eh?
All we are actually are asking is for Jews to prove their hysterical
interpretations of history are true, but they can’t do that, so they bribe
people and make laws prohibiting discussion of the subject, because
they know they will lose any neutrally judged debate.
This is the Jewish war on freedom of speech. You will believe this false,
twisted history, or you will go to jail. If you want to forever erase any notion
you may still entertain that Germans mass-gassed Jews, read Paul Grubach’s
magnificent recap of the debate: Do a Google search!
Ironically, it is, I believe, a very favorable sign for the future of
Holocaust revisionism that most of the Western power elites refuse to debate the
Holocaust revisionists, but only resort to name calling, threats of career
destruction and jail sentences. It suggests to the world that Holocaust revisionism
cannot be defeated with evidence and reason. The opponents of revisionism are
intellectually impotent, and they cannot defeat revisionism with facts,
evidence and logic. The "Holocaust" is a weak and flimsy ideology that needs special
laws, threats of career destruction and jail sentences to protect it.
Freedom of speech? Forget about it. Jews don't believe in freedom of speech.
Jews control the Congress, the media, the banks, the movie theaters, the
product distribution centers, the big stores, your local governments, the medical
and legal professions, your schools. Jews control your lives, in thousands of
ways you don't even realize. They speak, and you listen, just like Pavlov
On the surface, they pretend to be slightly above average citizens, excelling
in schools tailored for them and arriving in the job spectrum on a high
level, guaranteeing their dominance over others. The new mafia is definitely
Jewish, and running the government, as well.
This is how it works in Congress, too. No one gets even to run without the
approval of the Jews, and its monster organizations, AIPAC and the ADL. The
precious few who get past the initial filters usually are crushed in general
elections either by an avalanche of Jewish money and negative Jewish media
coverage, or, worse, bought off to twist their message in a certain slight way to
favor a certain slight group.
For those of you who would bluster and fume that this is anti-Semitism, I say
it is evidence of crimes, committed down through history against everyone by
one single group which today has much of the world in flames because of its
insane avarice.
The real crime is that they are allowed to continue to do what they do.
Continued ignorance of this insidious social poison is now in the process of
destroying much of the world.
The Riddle of the Jew's Success
F. Roderich-Stoltheim (Theodor Fritsch)
Softcover, 282 pages
Stock Number: 0717
Hitler's favorite book? Maybe. But definitely for the National Socialists
their favorite writer! A great read that helps you understand Hitler's mind.
This rare and valuable book provides a detailed analysis of Jewish behavior
and thinking. This is a reprint of the English-language edition of 1927,
translated from German by Capel Pownall. After Germany’s defeat in 1945, this book
was banned by the Allied occupation authorities, and nearly all copies were
Written by the influential German publicist Theodor Fritsch, it appeared
under a pen name. Fritsch was best known for his “Handbook On the Jewish
Question,” which went through 33 editions between 1887 and 1933, and had a tremendous
influence in the decades before Hitler came to power.
The Riddle the Jew’s Success helps in understanding the scope and intensity
of anti-Jewish feeling in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s.
>From the Preface: "If there are riddles in the history of the nations, then
the Jews most certainly present one of the chief instances; and, whoever has
occupied himself with the problems of humanity, without advancing so far as the
great problem of the Jews, has, so far as knowledge and experience of life are
concerned, merely skimmed the surface of the subject. There is scarcely a
field, from Art and Literature to Religion and Political Economy, from Politics
to the most secret domains of sensuality and criminality, in which the
influence of the Jewish spirit and of the Jewish entity cannot be clearly traced, and
has not imparted a peculiar warp or trend to the affairs in question."
Contents: Preface; Jewish Methods in the Economic Life; Particular Business
Tactics of the Jew; The International Connection and Secret League of the
Hebrews; The Peculiar Morality of Jewdom; An Explanation with Sombart; Jewish
Successes in Modern Times; The Stock-Exchange; How Sound Business Methods are
Forced Out of the Field by the Jews; Jewish Trade Specialities; Moral Principles in
Trade; The Hebrews as Supporters of Capitalism; Business and Religion; The
Race Problem; Origin of the Jewish Entity; The Influence of the Jew upon
Womankind; The Jews and the World-War; Concluding Words; Errata.
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19 July 2006
Jews Don't Believe in Freedom of Speech
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Colonel Richard Kemp, British Army - Comment on the IDF's Actions in Gaza
Radical Islams Plans for Western Civilization
Obama's true agenda...Throw Israel Under the Bus
****Regarding Obama’s Speech before the U.N. Obama has surpassed the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter as the worst and most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, Arabist President who has ever occupied the White House. Not only is he is a narcissistic moron who is dragging America into an abyss; Obama is the most dangerous threat to World Freedom, Liberty and Western Civilization since Hitler. (Blogmaster)
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A message to the Jewish people and the entire world
Chronicles I - 16:15-18: "Forever remember His covenant that he commanded forever; That He made with Abraham and swore to Isaac; and confirmed in a decree for Jacob, for Israel, as an eternal covenant; saying to You I will give the Land of Cannan as your alloted heritage"
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