Why Israel is Suspicious of United Nations? - Intro2
1. Before 1990, Security Council passed 175 resolutions, 97 were directed against Israel (It is 55% of all resolutions).
2. Before 1990, UN General Assembly voted on 690 resolutions, 429 were directed against Israel (It is 62% of all resolutions).
3. The UN was silent when Jordanians destroyed 58 Synagogues in Jerusalem .
4. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
5. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
6. The UN was silent while for 18 months Israel was terrorised by indiscriminate suicide bombing campaign unleashed by PA leadership.
7. There are 54 Muslims countries in the UN. As well as many more are others Arab oil dependant states.
9. Israel is the only country excluded from the U.N.'s regional group system. Since Israel does not belong to any group, it is the only country of 190 member states that is not eligible to serve on the numerous U.N. commissions.
10. In recent years, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights has annually passed five resolutions condemning Israel. This year, they passed seven. By contrast, each of the following countries/regions has been the subject of only one resolution: Afghanistan, Burundi, Congo, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Russia/Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Southeast Europe and Sudan.
11. Nov. 29 is the United Nations Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People. No other group or nation has a U.N. Day of Solidarity.
12. Israel is the only state to which a special investigator with "an open-ended mandate to inspect its human rights record" is assigned by the U.N.
13. It is the only state targeted by two special committees and special units of the U.N. Secretariat ostensibly devoted to the Palestinians but in reality dedicated to Israel-bashing worldwide, costing millions of dollars a year.
14. UNIFIL, the U.N. force stationed on the Israel-Lebanon border, hid a videotape of Israeli soldiers being abducted by Hezbollah in October 2000. After finally admitting to having the tape, the U.N. would only show an edited version (in which Hezbollah faces were hidden) to the Israeli government.
15. UNESCO, in Paris , began passing resolutions about protection of Jerusalem holy sites and access for Muslims in 1968. No resolutions about protection or Jewish access were passed from 1946 to 1967 when Jordan controlled Jerusalem and barred Jews from entering.
It is Time to "Leave Egypt "
by Steven Shamrak - August 31, 2002
It is Time to "Leave Egypt ". I respect people who do not know and do not care about Arab-Israel conflict. They are honest enough to admit that paying bills and raising children is more important for them. At the same time, there is a danger when someone forms opinions under the influence of selectively presented information, provided by generally bias toward Israel in the press. People become attached to the belief system they have adopted and it is difficult to change it. I would like to tell them following:
1. Israel is on a front line of the war between Arab-Muslim expansionism and Western democracy. This war has already shifted to America and Europe .
2. According to UN own legal opinion: Judea , Samaria and Gaza does not belong to any country at the moment. Therefore, it is wrong to call them 'Occupied territories'. They used to be a part of Jewish land. There was never Arab country in the Palestine.
3. So-called Palestinians are Arabs who moved to the territories during the last 130 year, after the Jews started re-vitalising the land.
4. Arabs have no intention to live in peace with Jews. When Saddat Hussain was asked: "Why do you continue to fight Israel after so many defeats?" His answer was: "Because. We need to win only one war!" Arabs aim is a total destruction of Jewish state!
5. Arabs respect charisma and strong leadership. It is the time for Israel and her government to show it and stop terror.
6. Enemies and so-called friends have never treated Jewish people as equal. They will never support Israel unconditionally. They do not respect facts where Israel is concern (remember Jenin).
7. After 54 years of wars and terror, it is time to "leave Egypt ", become an Independent nation, equal among equals. It is time to regain self-respect. No more double standards!
8. Israel was created to fulfill 2000 years old national inspiration of Jewish people. Time is Now!
Israel can (Must) 'Just Say No' to US pressure.
" Israel can just say no!" Dr. Rand Fishbein, former Professional Staff Member of the U.S. Senate Defense Appropriations and Foreign Operations Appropriations subcommittees.
"The democratically elected leaders of the State of Israel are under no obligation to reflexively bow to State Department pressure - you can say no!"
"American policy in the Middle East today is driven by .flawed notions," said Fishbein who went on to give several examples of such faulty assumptions. "That democratization and political reform are possible in the Arab world in our lifetimes..."
Israel was the only one of America's allies in the war with Iraq explicitly barred from bidding on prime contracts - despite the fact that " Israel contributed mightily to the U.S. victory in Iraq by providing extensive intelligence and logistical support to American forces."
America docked $289.5 million from Israel's loan guarantee package on account of policies that the U.S. administration objected to. Egypt on the other hand continues to receive its entire $2.3 billion in U.S. foreign assistance, despite Egypt's opposition to Saddam Hussein's removal.
"The planned Gaza retreat has undercut Israel's strongest supporters in the Congress who believe that any retreat in the face of terrorism only encourages more terrorism."The above was recieved by B'nai Elim in an email from: StevenShamrak@gmail.com . If you wish to subscribe to his newsletter, Please, email Steven, include your email address and put "Subscribe" in the subject line.
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