-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Re: Terrorism supporting event at UCLA |
Date: | Thu, 15 Mar 2007 20:40:51 +0000 |
From: | leekaplan@att.net |
To: | chancellor@conet.ucla.edu |
Acting Chancellor Norman Abrams March 15, 2007
Dear Chancellor Abrams;
My name is Lee Kaplan and I am an investigative journalist who has written extensively about the International Solidarity Movement/Palestine Solidarity Movement in the Untied States on college campuses and its connections to terrorist groups overseas.
It has come to my attention that the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at UCLA is intending to hold a West Coast conference of all west coast ISM/PSM groups this spring on the UCLA campus.
Huwaida Arraf, one of the co-founders of the ISM/PSM, has been recorded at two previous conferences by me admitting that the Palestine Solidarity Movement, of which UCLA SJP is a part, works in cooperation with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, all known terrorist groups per the US State Department. Please see:
These conferences masquerade as academic events, but are in fact training and strategy sessions to recruit students and others to go to the West Bank and interfere with anti-terrorism actions of the Israeli army. Sessions include lessons in lawbreaking, passport fraud, and how to divest from and boycott Jews not only in Israel but in the American- Jewish community as well. I am considered an expert on the ISM/PSM and recently lectured on their activities at the Intelligence Summit (www.intelligencesummit.org) held in St. Petersburg, Florida about ten days ago, so I know what I am writing about
In addition to being recorded admitting this group works with terrorists, Ms. Arraf also wrote the Washington Post during their last national conference at Georgetown admitting their organization works with terrorists. Please see:
Ms. Arraf can claim she works with terrorists “nonviolently,” but she is still violating the law, Federal Statute 18 USC 2339 b, about lending logistical aid to terrorist groups. The ISM is in fact violent when it gets to the West Bank.
I run a non-profit called DAFKA and also have a volunteer organization called Stop the ISM that monitors what this group is doing. As a UCLA alum myself, I am appalled that a taxpayer-supported university would allow itself to play host to such an event and am writing you now to demand you see this does not take place. I am notifying various Jewish-American groups, fellow Jewish alumni, the Governor and State Legislature about this plan being in the works.
This information came to Stop the ISM from a source who prefers to remain anonymous, but the following announcement is being disseminated over the Web by the SJP at UCLA:
SJP-West (Students for Justice in Palestine-West) Conference
The SJP-West Conference will take place in Spring 2007 at UCLA. This conference is open to all SJP's and other Pro-Palestinian student groups. Once we have received your contact info, we will give you more information on the conference Please send us your contact information to sjp@ucla.edu
Your contact information should consist of the following
Names of board members:
Group Name
Contact Telephone Number
Contact Email
Contact Address (if applicable)
Thank you!!!!!
The reason for the secrecy and with no date or location mentioned above is, based on my experience, because an administrator somewhere within UCLA who is a sympathizer to this group is working behind the scenes to set this conference up at the last minute on campus before you are made aware of it.
Let me explain to you some of the seminars held at the last conferences at Georgetown and Duke University:
1. Huwaida Arraf actively recruited students to go to the West Bank and interfere with Israeli Border Police and Soldiers and to destroy property (the Security Fence and checkpoints set up to keep out terrorists). This is another outright violation of federal anti-terrorism statute 18 USC 2339 b.
2. Abe Greenhouse, one of the ISM leaders held a lecture at Duke in which he identified all Jewish-owned businesses in the USA, as well as Jewish organizations, the individuals who run them, and then urged activists attending to infiltrate these organization posing as Jews to undermine their support for Israel and aid in finding information to attack them.
3.Seminars are held in which to find better ways to divest from and boycott Jews both in Israel and the USA. The euphemism "Zionism" is frequently heard for Jew at these events, but is in fact interchangeable
See: www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=11010 and
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21700 and
The SJP may try to claim it is not a part of the ISM or even the PSM, but they are part of the international organization that has no centralized leadership to escape scrutiny by law enforcement and thus goes by myriad names such as SJP, SUSTAIN, WIB, CPT, IWPS and others who would most likely attend such a conference on the UCLA campus. Adam Shapiro, a co-founder of the ISM/PSM and the husband of Huwaida Arraf personally told me at their 2003 Conference at Ohio State that the PSM is composed of groups like SJP at UCLA, and other groups like those named above, and uses the name ISM when operating abroad in the West Bank. This pernicious anti-Semitic and terrorist supporting conference wants to use UCL A for their event specifically to 1) get student activity funds for the SJP- UCLA to pay for the entire event and use taxpayer facilities (2) to lend it prestige as a UCLA event.
ISM/PSM activists have been photographed waving machine guns around in the West Bank in the company of an Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade terrorist and they are actively recruited on college campuses across America. UCLA should not be one of them. Please read the article with photos of this found at :
In fact, Paul LaRudee, the head of Norcal ISM in the SF Bay Area, who I got deported from Israel last June becausse of his links to Hamas (and who then immediately went to Lebanon where he admitted he worked with Hizballah) recently spoke on the UCLA campus at an SJP event under your very nose. He will no doubt attend this upcoming conference at UCLA is you allow it to occur. See:
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=23361 and
At issue also will be attempts to use airport-style metal detectors to prevent cameras or recordings of the events that go on inside because of their very anti-Semitic and pro-terrorist supporting nature. In the past, other schools have permitted this when it is designed to conceal the activities going on inside at what is billed as an academic event, something it is not. Be sure to read my article about the Georgetown Conference and the one at CUNY, both of which have led to litigation against the colleges involved:
See: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21700 and
This event must not take place on the UCLA campus and I have begun the process of contacting other relevant agencies about it. It will be neither educational, nor promote peace in the Middle East, nor serve any redeeming purpose for the community-at-large save to roil the conflict against Israel and the Jewish people in the United States.
Accordingly, I am asking you to write me back and give me your assurance you will see it does not take place at my alma mater, UCLA
Below is a hyperlinks to an archive of my research articles about the ISM/PSM to give you some insight into past events. I recommend either you or staff read the hyper links
I have posted in this letter above in their entirety.
Archive of other articles at:
Incidentally, the last two ISM events held at Georgetown and CUNY also resulted in some Jews being beaten which resulted in multi-million dollar lawsuits against those colleges that are still ongoing. Los Angeles has a sizeable Jewish community and the response to holding such an anti-Semitic hate-fest on campus might potentially lead to violent acts by individuals that could further expose the University to liability.
You have been notified of the plans "in the works" to bring this to the taxpayer- funded campus at UCLA and have enough time to take immediate action. I would like to hear back from your office about what you intend to do about this event. Please be sure to read all the articles hyper linked within this email, as they will give you a good perspective of what these conferences are all about
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you
Lee Kaplan
Defending America for Knowledge and Action (DAFKA)
Stop the ISM
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